February 2025 Newsletter
JoinIn – adding a 2nd email contact and updating emergency contact details
You can now update your contact details in Love Admin so that when we send out emails it goes to more than one email address. Details on how to do this can be found here: https://help.loveadmin.com/joinin-user-guide-enable-additional-contacts-to-receive-emails If anyone needs any help you can email Catherine but we can’t add email addresses. Please also check emergency contact details are correct. We know some are not and this is a critical safety issue. Directions on how to do so are here: https://help.loveadmin.com/joinin-user-guide-how-do-i-assign-my-emergency-contacts
The last date to order club tracksuits and shorts is 2nd February. Delivery will be by 21st March. The next time the online shop is open is April for delivery in June. Squads who compete outside of the club must have club tracksuits. Anyone else is welcome to order but it’s not required. Tracksuits and shorts can be purchased here: https://malleysport.co.uk/collections/penketh-gymnastics-club

We have some holiday clubs running on 17-21 February. They are now live to book. More info and link to book can be found here: https://penkethgymnastics.co.uk/holidayclubs/ or please see the posters in the gym. To go straight to booking click here.
We are taking part in GymFusion Manchester at The Lowry on 16th February. This is a non-competitive display event, showcasing routines by many different clubs. Tickets can be purchased here: https://thelowry.com/whats-on/348//british-gymnastics-gymfusion We are in show 1, which is 11am-1pm. Good luck to the team of 21 gymnasts and to the coaches and choreographers. Look out on our socials for updates and pictures/videos.
Meeting with squad captains.
We held our first meeting with squad captains on 25th January. This was the gymnasts’ chance to have a voice in the club and let us know what they would like to see happening. The meeting went well and we had lots of ideas for us to discuss at the next committee meeting. Watch this space for a chance to vote on the theme for our April competition!
Children’s Mental Health Week 3rd – 7th February
As part of children’s mental health week, we are introducing a worry monster to the gym. We will also be including signage of safe adults to talk to inside and out of gym. We also have attached to this email a parent guide with prompt/talking points for discussing mental health with your children.
Assessment Week 3-8th February
Our next assessment week starts on Monday 3rd February. Gymnasts will be assessed according to our Penketh Levels. If they complete a level, they will bring home a slip which needs to be returned with £5 if you wish to purchase their medal and certificate for that level. Please give us a week to update skills on JoinIn.
Safer Internet Day
Ahead of safer internet day on 11th February, we are aware of gymnasts having their own social media accounts. We would remind parents of the need to be cautious online and recommend parent ran private accounts vs open accounts. Gymnasts are not allowed to take photos/videos during training and any sent to parents by coaches is only for private use, should never be posted online, even on private accounts. More information and workshops for safer internet day can be found here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/articles/z6bbhbk
Ace of Grades
We took 14 squad gymnasts to Ace of Grades at the wire in preparation for their NW Grades in February. For a full round up of the event and results check out our social media. Good luck to the 11 gymnasts taking part in NW grades on the weekend of 1st/2nd February and on 22nd February!

If you need to contact us, our number is 07910800497 (text preferred) or you can email Sarah on info@penkethgymnastics.co.uk. For class spaces and general enquiries, you can also contact Catherine on admin@penkethgymnastics.co.uk or the admin phone line 07493110929