Vault Into Christmas – Programme, FAQ & Spectator Tickets!

The programme for the competition has now been emailed out. Please find your child’s name and check which round they are in. The day is split into 4 rounds, approximate times for these will be:

Round 1 – Registration 8.30am, warm up 8.45am, first piece 9am, second piece 9.45am, presentation 10.30am.

Round 2 – Registration 10.45am, warm up 11am, first piece 11.15am, second piece 12pm, presentation 12.45pm.

Round 3 – Registration 1pm, warm up 1.15pm, first piece 1.30pm, second piece 2pm, presentation 2.30pm

Round 4 – Registration 3pm, warm up 3.15pm, first piece 3.30pm, second piece 4.15pm, presentation 5pm.

Please ensure you arrive promptly for registration; parking will be limited outside so where possible please park offsite/share lifts. All times are approximate, and you may be asked to wait outside if the previous round is running behind schedule.

Volunteers – If anyone is able to volunteer to help us on the day in the kitchen (sales of tuck shop and coffee/tea) please reply to this email and let us know which round(s) you can help with.

What to Wear – Gymnasts should wear the club leotard if they have one, but this is not essential. Hair should be neat and away from their face. No jewellery.

Spectator Tickets 

  • Entry includes ONE spectator ticket per gymnast for their round. If you would like an additional spectator ticket these are now available to purchase on Love Admin for £3 (under courses/payments same booking process as for the competition).
  • It is limited to one additional ticket per gymnast, aka 2 maximum. We will asses closer to the date and put notice on social media if we have any additional tickets available.
  • If you have a child under 2 who needs to attend with you they do not need their own ticket, but must sit on your knee. Children over 2 require their own ticket, including gymnasts who may be in other rounds.
  • There are no physical tickets, we will have a list on the door of gymnasts and how many spectator are booked under their name.
  • If you have gymnasts in consecutive rounds you do not need to leave at the end of the first round you can remain seated for the next round.

Numbers – Each gymnasts has a number next to their name on the attached programme. This will be their number for the competition. They should bring a sign of their number with them to the competition to hold up before they compete. These should be approximately A4 in size and can be decorated to match our ‘Vault Into Christmas’ theme. Please avoid using anything which may mark/damage the gym floor e.g. cotton wool/glitter etc. There will be awards on the day for best number in each round.

Refreshments – The kitchen will be open for tea/coffee/cold drink and tuck shop sales on the day. Please bring cash as we have no card facilities.

On the day – For those new to our in-house competitions, on the day when you arrive please wait outside until coaches welcome you into the gym. Gymnasts should arrive dressed for the competition and will need to remove shoes and jackets/onesies immediately in the foyer to be left with their grown up. Gymnasts will then go upstairs to wait for their round, parents will enter the gym and can find a seat and grab refreshments from the kitchen.

Routines – Should your gymnasts wish to practice at home all of the routines for each of our sets are posted in our closed Facebook group, if you’re not already a member you can join here: (please do answer the questions giving your child’s full name as we cross reference before allowing member to join)

Hopefully we’ve covered everything you might need to know. If you have any questions, please send Catherine and email to

We can’t wait to see so many of our wonderful gymnasts competing and having fun in just a few short weeks!

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